Cool Sculpt Treatment / Cryotherapy Induced Lipolysis


CRYO Fat Freeze

Our Specialist Cool Sculpt Treatment

Eradicate that stubborn fat with our latest and state of the art cryo fat freezing technology! Enjoy the benefit of immediate results with our highly advanced and sophisticated fat-loss Cryo treatment programmes.

Procedure Time

A clinical hour


Not required

Duration Of Results

Long Term

Full Recovery



Over 6 to 8 weeks*


Cryogenic fat freezing is a superior fat removal system which surpasses all older methods of cryo fat freeze removal.  It’s an excellent way to redefine your silhouette and is one of our most popular treatments.  The cryo fat freeze system is highly effective for all areas of the body where there is fat, for example the back, arms, thighs and stomach. The efficiency of this treatment makes it a popular option for both men and women.

Our skills and experience in creating cryo treatment programmes in conjunction with radio frequency, vacuum, laser lipo and ultrasound therapy, for each of our clients, individually, work to achieve long-term fat loss within the minimum of time.


To undergo Cool Sculpt (cryo fat freeze) treatment (sometimes known by the generic name Cryotherapy Induced Lipolysis) you should be in general good health. Most people are suitable candidates for Cool Sculpt. It is recommended as a safe treatment for individuals who are unable to undergo more invasive procedures such as liposuction, due to the risks associated with anaesthetic. However, a full consultation accompanied with a medical questionnaire will be completed with you by your aesthetic practitioner, who will address any health issues you may have.

Why Choose Cryo Fat Freeze?



Our established clientele is drawn from both sexes and across the board of ages, backgrounds, and requirements. Whilst we certainly provide a niche service, our clients themselves come from the broadest range. We ensure that all our new clients receive the same welcome and caring attention, whatever their individual needs. As the only additional element of our specialist services, we are also pleased to provide expert advice on nutrition and sensible exercise routines.

Call on: 01702 431970

What is Cool SCulpt

The procedure known as ‘Cool Sculpt’ targets, cools and eliminates fat cells without causing damage to surrounding tissue. During this process the fat cells crystallize, break down and are then naturally flushed from the body over the Once the crystallised cells have left your body, you will notice a considerable reduction in that area’s visible fat. Cool Sculpt can be used on several areas of the body, including the abdomen, arms, waist, buttocks and thighs.

If you have any questions or enquiries about the Cool Sculpt treatment, send them to

How does Cool Sculpt Work?

The coolsculpt procedure
  1. Despite a healthy clean diet and plenty of exercise, fat cells can still accumulate in certain areas of the body and can be very difficult to get rid of.
  2. Cryo fat freeze cool sculpt technology uses controlled cooling (Cool Sculpt) to target, freeze, and kill the fat cells.
  3. In the weeks to follow, these fat cells are denatured by the body and eliminated by the natural bodily functions.
  4. ‘Cool sculpt’ cryo fat freeze results are long-term.
Most frequent questions and answers

Cellulite Reduction Frequently Asked Questions

The CHC Aesthetics is accredited with advanced aesthetic qualifications and clinic of outstanding excellence!

Call on: 01702 431970

45 minutes per application (area).

One treatment per area.

We recommend you do not consume large meals immediately before your procedure, or directly afterwards.

Results will start to be visible after 2 or 3 weeks with the final result between 6-10 weeks.

Results will start to be visible after 2 or 3 weeks with the final result between 6-10 weeks.

No, some people experience slight numbness in the treated area.


At CHC Aesthetics our consultants are skilled at using state of the art technology to achieve the body forms which our clients desire. The service provided by CHC Aesthetics is a very personal one and is designed to help each of our clients individually acquire the positive lifestyle changes which this specialist and modern technology can achieve.
Call on: 01702 431970

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