Mesotherapy – what is it and how does it work?

Mesotherapy is a treatment in which various minerals and vitamins are introduced into the skin to help in the treatment of various body/face problems and imperfections. This therapy may include vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and stem cells to achieve the desired results.

Mesotherapy can be used for various problems like fat reduction, targeting stubborn cellulite, skin pigmentation, hair loss and skin rejuvenation and acne plus reduction of wrinkles and fine lines.

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Mesotherapy can be used on the face/neck and on the scalp for baldness, and all over the body for reducing body fat, cellulite, skin tightening and stretch marks. Mesotherapy for the face helps skin remain healthy and retain its glow by providing essential nutrients to the skin on a regular basis, and also by stimulating the skin to regenerate collagen.

Before going for mesotherapy, you need to consult a professional aesthetic practitioner with years of experience with mesotherapy, and someone who has had training in the skin and its various conditions.

There are many unprofessional people who claim to be able to undertake such treatments, who actually have very little experience. The products that are delivered into the skin have to be high medical grade cosmeceuticals which are prescription-based. Please always ask what products are being used – you need to know that the company is reputable you should also ask about the experience of the practitioner. You should be able to see their qualifications in their core knowledge of the skin.

Mesotherapy delivers products directly into the dermis. You need to know what these products are and where they come from! At CHC Aesthetics all our certificates are on display at our clinic and you can easily see the years of experience. We only use medical-grade products which are suitable to be delivered directly into your skin. 

We have promotions on mesotherapy this month – contact us for a free consultation and don’t forget that we’re always happy to answer your queries and concerns, in confidentiality, by phone on (01702) 431970!

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